我在#Tales St. Vinny的笔记[笔记]#下发布了一条评论 ankang.biz曾经是也一直都是女性用户最多的群体,保守估计女性用户占据70%以上,所以比起其他平台,这里氛围更加友好包容,我们喜欢分享知识,互相学习和疯狂夸夸夸,这里很友好因为女孩子们都很美好 REDnote has always been, and continues to be, a platform with the largest group of female users, with a conservative estimate that they make up more than 70% of the user base. Compared to other platforms, the atmosphere here is more friendly and inclusive. We enjoy sharing knowledge, learning from each other, and giving each other lots of compliments. The friendliness of this place stems from the wonderful nature of the girls here. #tiktokrefugee #girlshelpgirs